A properly spec’d compressed air system tends to be one of the least considered factors when purchasing new equipment that requires compressed air for operation. The “throw more air compressor at the problem” attitude is very common, however generally extremely inefficient. This is largely due to the simple fact that improper compressed air systems can be exorbitantly inefficient from both an energy use and supply/demand standpoint, creating both flow and pressure variations. Any significant drop in pressure or flow can not only reduce the efficiency of equipment tremendously but also present serious safety issues.
Operating a 100 hp air compressor for eight hours a day when only 50 hp worth of compressed air is needed can be extremely wasteful energy-wise and ultimately financially. Similarly, drying compressed air to a -100°F pressure dewpoint when your equipment only requires air quality at a -40F pressure dewpoint is an extremely costly oversight, and one our highly trained team will help you to avoid. Let our team of professionals evaluate your compressed air needs. We’ll help you to get the right system for the needs – and ultimately, for your bottom line.